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You are Magic!
Live freely who you are
You feel it every day: You were made for much more! Not to do a job below your capabilities where you don’t even come close to contributing what you were born for. Where no one – not even you – recognizes what unique gifts you have. Because it is still unclear what groundbreaking changes you can bring about in people, your mentees, coachees and clients….
You are looking for these gifts, for who you really are! Often don’t really feel yourself. Still reluctantly follow the guidelines of others without a real goal… because you don’t see YOUR direction. You are disoriented and frustrated. How long do you want to keep doing this?
You have long known that you are here to create something new – for yourself and for others. But what is it? You search and search, but you can’t figure it out. So you continue on your treadmill and look for ways out. And it calls out louder and louder inside you…
What can you do? Just get out of blindly doing things and follow your call? Without a plan as to how you should build a secure existence in this uncertainty. The fact is: you are not alone!
Take the help that already knows the path you want to take now. You are hearing your call now for specific reasons. Ignoring it is not an option. Your path is clear, even if it is not clear to you. Your essence knows it exactly. Your task now is to implement it and take over the leadership of your life!
Get first impulses for the 618 Leader Evolution for your life in freedom & dignity: