Golden Essence Retreat!

618 leadeR Initiation

Let yourself be initiated into the 618 Golden Essence Evolution leader of the new era – with the wonder water in the lush natural abundance of the Caribbean

Become one with you

create true magic for life

Become one with you

create true magic for life

Yes! I am ready

to fulfill my highest mission of the new era

I'm letting go of all safety anchors now

Go All In

You know that now is your time? To fully realize your mission. In a time that needs new leaders. True leaders by example and with a heart for their tribe. Is that you? But do you feel insecure?

Yes, because everything is new. The fact that you now have the opportunity to work fully according to your nature, without interference from others, with full permission on a free path: that is new. And that makes you insecure.

Trust your intuition: now is your time! Get in the driver’s seat and do what you were born to do. Get everything you still need to fulfill your mission: Clarity, confidence, like-minded people, help, ways and means, a sense of purpose and freedom.

The freedom to implement your mission, such as free time, new priorities, methods to align your mindset and your thinking and your strength for constant implementation.

Dive in & activate

your guidance

Dive in & activate

your guidance