You finally want to show yourself! As the pioneer of this new era in your full natural power and with your divine mission! You want to be able to feel it clearly so that you can stand by it:
Your destiny as a leader in a self-determined and truthful life. This is what you were born for. To enable your tribe to find and fulfill their mission.
Ego trip? Crazy? Are you dreaming? No, by no means. As a natural pioneer of the new age, you have a meaningful mission. You can’t afford to make yourself small and pretend you’re worthless. There is no time for that.
You are here to create great things!
You are here to find ways out of the perpetual spinning in circles so that others will also come out of frustration and fear that they can’t afford freedom.
You are here to contribute your excellence so that your Tribe will recognize that it is possible and follow you.