618 Leadership evolution & autonomy Training for born trailblazers

In the right place as a pioneeR of the new era, because you were born foR it


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Have you

finally had enough?

Every day you function like remote-controlled in noise, rush and fear: at work, where nobody appreciates your valuable input; in everyday life, which drives you crazy with all the things you have to do and in a system that gets crazier every day right now; and at home, where you just want to escape….

Yet, you’re chasing after your life! You don’t feel yourself at all! Still reluctantly follow the instructions of others… but never go in YOUR OWN direction. How much longer do you want to take part in this?

You have long known that you are here to create something new – for yourself and for others. But what is it? You search and search and can’t get it clear. So you continue on your treadmill and look for ways out. How can you finally see and realize it? It’s calling you louder and louder…… you want that now!

But what to do? How to change everything? Just get out of the madness and follow your call? Now that everything is becoming more uncertain… How to find out in peace what you want to really do without fear of an uncertain future? It’s fact: now or never! How…?

Take the lead in the momentum now. You were born for this time. To lead others through change. And to grow into your full power on your own path as a pioneer of this time. Free yourself from everything that is not you. Step out of “the fog” into your pioneering task for your tribe!

Get impulses for the 618 Golden Essence Evolution for your life in autonomy:

Wake up

to the life that has been calling you foR so long


It is the natural metamorphosis from a confused, externally controlled existence and an insane, encroaching system into your truly free life. Where you unfold your own way of life according to your nature! Your allegiance comes to an end as soon as you recognize the mission of your pure nature. “I can’t” becomes “I do it, because it is my mission!”.

Ahoy, I am Marianne, known for finding my own ways to live freely. I love to grow further and further into my true being. I was initiated into this during my work in the sea. So water – the essence of life – is the core of the 618 Golden Essence Evolution. It has always guided me. To the natural truth within me and to what is. It has awakened my gift to feel your true essence and also what blocks you. Today you can let the 618 Golden Essence Evolution guide you into your true life as a pioneer of the new era.

I have been developing my “My Way” of life for many years all over the world and have prepared myself for this time. Today I accompany you safely and with experience through your complex metamorphosis – through the fog to your place in this time. Where you will align with your pioneering nature and be the most important guide for your tribe. Welcome to your 618 GEE Leader Initiation!

Are you

here now?

You can’t stand the suffocating “having to function” anymore?

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    Do you feel like you're in a fog and don't know which direction to take?
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    You don't know why you're still doing something that doesn't fulfill you and only pays your bills?
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    Instead of joy of life you have sadness because you bend every day and do what is not good for you?
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    You just want to get away, curl up in the sofa or best of all to the island right away?
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    You lie awake at night: "If I quit now, there's no money! How am I supposed to know what I want to do?
Take one step at a time

So you get clarity!


You've done it!

You are free and live how it’s really right for you!

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    You float on clouds and move entire mountains for your tribe!
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    You feel it; you are now at your place and doing what you were born to do!
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    You are on fire and know no more frustration in your daily procedures!
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    You are absolutely clear about what used to call you and are now living that call overjoyed for this new era!
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    You have found out how you can now use your gifts to guide others through this change!
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    You don't ask after work anymore because your energy is through the roof!
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    You are free to travel wherever you want and inspire people with your unique way of moving mountains!
Show the world who you truly are

and they will follow you!

You can do this

With me by your side

Here are the milestones of your journey:

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    You enter into a blissful state of being because you finally accept and feel welcomed!
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    You enter into deep gratitude for all your possibilities to develop new naturally free ways of living with other people!
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    You enter into deep peace with the challenges of your past because you accept them as blessing-rich trailblazers on your path!
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    You enter into playful lightness because you now recognize the steps and can simply do what needs to be done.
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    You develop your own way of living and happily realize that you are just right the way you are, and suddenly everything makes sense!


Instead of having to follow living youR own way with 618 GE evolution:

Immediate clarity & implementation strength in your naturally autonomous LIFE as PioneerPreneur!

Roadmap into your free life.

You don’t know what you need to do to be free and do what really fulfills you deeply so that you can make a good living from it? Do you lack clarity about your pioneering mission and how to find it? Are you stuck in frustration and pressure because you are still dependent on others instead of living your greatest life in a self-determined way?

In the 618 Autonomy Initiation, you will receive immediate clarity & direction. You will learn how to change the world with your unique nature as a groundbreaking PioneerPreneur!

FOR those who are uncertain, seeking to break free from their fog and meet their inner guidance!

Connect with your life in beautiful flow.

Do you want to feel what it’s like: Your True Self? Do you want to discover ways to enter a deeply tranquil clarity instead of becoming deaf in the noise of overthinking? Do you want to perceive how your true self guides you towards your direction? So that from now on, you can harmoniously align yourself with your very own way of life?

In 618 Awaken to Being, you literally get a sense of who you really are and how to connect with your inner guidance to clearly find your way into your unique pioneering life.

FOR those seeking purpose, who want to be free and develop their own way of living, deeply fulfilled by doing what they love and providing valuable support to others.

Become the true North Star of your life.

Do you want tobe in joy instead of full of disappointments? Do you want to live the day your way? Do you want to do something because it makes sense, not because others dictate it to you? Do you want to find your own paths instead of stumbling on well-trodden ones? But you don’t know how and where to start?

In this program, you will find your door. Layer by layer, you unfold your own inherent solutions to bring more clarity about yourself, how to create a free, meaningful, and joyful life. How to break free from the constricting duties of your job, superiors, and people who control your time.

Tangibly, you set yourself free and learn the feeling of allowing yourself to say no and following your own guidance instead. You discover your essential characteristics, your natural way of being, and embrace them lovingly so that they can finally be as they are: Pure freedom and pure joy spread within you! Your true being finally shows up and is there for you!

Apply for the 618 I LEAD Initiation easily here:

For born leaders who want to master leading others into a uniqueness and fulfilling effectiveness that the world has not yet seen!

Learn how to guide people into a life in true flow, naturally free and fulfilled!

As a 618 Golden Essence Evolution Leader, you will learn precisely how to lead & guide people into their own deeply impactful lives. You learn how to guide them safely, freely and presently through intense transformations that are measurable and precisely tangible in real time. 

You internalize precise skills for true transformations and release even more of your own natural gifts. In the deep transformations of the 618 Golden Essence Evolution, you will develop your own guidance strength for most effective results!

With this essential holistic leadership training of the new era, you will develop into the precise, clear leadership nature that you truly are in your unique being and that accompanies others, enabling their deep healing = their becoming whole in their natural freedom and deepest REAL transformation through their divine essence. You will be able to subtly measure these processes and enable your clients to experience true growth.

This new Gold Essence Leadership Training is based on the divine order through the essence of life: water. This cutting-edge training brings human evolution to a new level with its unique quality. The integration of the primal element water into one’s own life development visibly triggers effective and genuine transformation in real-time. Thus, it opens up space for growth beyond conventional coaching and mentoring of the old times.

As a 618 GEE Leader, you guide people to their true nature, natural freedom, and maximum impact with unique precision. Welcome to the new era of true freedom!

To the powerful 618 GEE Leader Training of the new era:

forever grateful

“Marianne, thank you for the lessons and the healing. Wow! I have moved on with everything and am the real me!”


Costa Rica

Absolutely enlightening experience

“Words really cannot fully describe what I experienced during my session. An enlightening, yet uplifting and comforting experience. Since my return, I feel better than I have in a long time. Thank you so much Marianne! See you soon with many more people who need to find their way again …”


Dallas, USA

If you too want true Freedom

Let me lead you there

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